Monthly Archives: April 2013

Introducing Cupboard: simple persistance for Android

Today I’d like to introduce you to a new library that I’ve been building and using at Qbus in various apps for over a year called Cupboard. Cupboard is what I’d like to call simple persistence for Android. Most non-trivial apps need some kind of persistance, most likely using a SQLiteDatabase. There are already many libraries and frameworks like ORMLite that are populair choices, but after evaluating most popular options we decided to take a different …

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Bundles 1.0.2

Minor update to bundles, my annotation processor for Android source code to help constructing fragments and saving state. I’ve been sprinkling these annotations in my existing projects and fixed a few small issues. The generated FragmentBuilders now get a newFragment() method useful if you want to construct a fragment with only required arguments The required args are sorted now, so that the builders are consistent when you add, remove or recompile the source class ;) …

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Android Fragment builder annotation

Since annotation processing is the new hip thing to do, I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon ;) Yesterday I wrote two annotation processors to make my life simpler. It doesn’t have a spiffy name like +Jake Whartons butterknife, but hey, you can’t have it all. The first one deals with Fragment instantiation and arguments. As you might be aware, a Fragment needs to be instantiated with a Bundle to pass the arguments. That usually …

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