Monthly Archives: December 2013

Droidcon UK Cupboard talk

I did a talk on Cupboard at the excellent Droidcon UK conference this year. The talk was recorded and published at Skills Matter. The talk outlines some of the history and goals of Cupboard and shows a few examples of using the library from different contexts. You can checkout the video from this link: I’ve also recently set up a Google+ Community for Cupboard, where we can have a friendly discussion about anything related to Cupboard, …

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android-apt Gradle plugin 1.1 is out

This plugin helps supporting annotation processors in Android Studio. See this post: for more info.This release fixes a minor bug that occured when you did not apply the android plugin to your project, but more importantly it’s now possible to pass extra configuration arguments to the annotation processor, which is something that the popular Android Annotations library needs. The project site has an example on how to configure annotation processor parameters.Thanks to +Thomas Bruyelle for sending …

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Cupboard v1.0.4

I just pushed another minor update to Cupboard! Cupboard now supports limiting the result set (through the SQL LIMIT clause) and distinct queries if you need them. There’s also a new variant for bulk put’s that takes a Collection, which might come in handy if you are getting your entities from services like Parse.comTo learn more about Cupboard visit I’ve setup a community for Cupboard for questions and discussion here: It’s spanking brand new, …

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