As promised earlier, a new version of Rainy Days been released. This version adds the timestamp to the map so that you can see when it’s safe to go out the door :) I’ve also changed some things related to caching of the rainfall image on your device. I already got some request to add more countries and regions to the map. Don’t worry, I’m working on it! For now enjoy the new version.
Monthly Archives: November 2009
Rainy Days update later today adds timestamp
Just a quick heads up: I’ll be releasing an update to Rainy Days later today, which will add the timestamp on the displayed images. I got many request to add that and so I did. Here’s a screenshot of what it will look like.
My first published (and free) android app: Rainy Days
So there you have it: I’ve released my first free app just now. It’s called Rainy Days and show you rainfall radar images from overlaid on Google Maps. This allows you to zoom and pan the map as you would expect. Simply double tap to zoom in and long press to zoom out. Ofcourse you can choose between satellite or maps view and if you rather like to zoom using the normal maps zoom …
Android lifecycle and you
As I’m finishing up on my (simple) application I’m now understanding the life cycle of an activity much better. While it’s not that hard to get right, it is easy to get it wrong :) The lifecycle of an activity is documented here:, along with a nice picture. When testing your app you have to be aware that for example pressing the back button on the device might have a different effect then pressing …
Loving the Android
Since I got my HTC Hero Android phone, somewhere last august, I’ve been coding for it on and off. Now, in November I got a bunch of unfinshed Android projects and I’ve decided to actually finish one :) Coding for Android has really been a pleasant experience. The platform is more open than any other mobile device that I ever worked with, the tools integrate OK with Eclipse, it has a nice architecture and, most …