Logging in any type of software is a useful tool to debug and improve your software. Typically you’ll have different types of stuff you want to log: errors, information, traceing etc. So most logging systems have a concept of levels that allow you to specify how important a message is, so that at a later time you can enable a certain type of logging to inspect. In Android it is handled by the Log class. It …
Monthly Archives: July 2011
This night (in my timezone) something went seriously wrong with the server that I use for Rainy Days. The result was that “network error” was displayed. I’ve fixed this now and all should be returning to normal within a couple of hours. If you still are experiencing network errors after that, please let me know.
Rainy Days 2.2.1
I just pushed out Rainy Days 2.2.1 that fixes some important bugs. On slow connections Rainy Days would sometimes crash or hang. I’ve now fixed this so get the new version!
More updates
I’ve just released Rainy Days 2.2, a small update to fix some crashes that are reported. Also not all of you liked the on-screen legenda, so it can now be switched off from the settings. I also like to thank all of you who support Rainy Days by buying the upgrade or just telling me how much you like the app! Really amazing! Hugo