2 articles Tag android-apt

android-apt 1.2

My Gradle plugin to support annotation processors in Android Gradle builds & Android Studio, android-apt, got another update! Version 1.2 now also supports library projects. This version requires the android plugin version 0.7 or up, since that version supports a new API that I use in the plugin. So upgrade your Android Gradle builds and generate some code :)

Check out the project site for more info and docs: https://bitbucket.org/hvisser/android-apt

android-apt Gradle plugin 1.1 is out

This plugin helps supporting annotation processors in Android Studio. See this post: https://plus.google.com/102164807080986038267/posts/7Wr3FcdNVxR for more info.This release fixes a minor bug that occured when you did not apply the android plugin to your project, but more importantly it’s now possible to pass extra configuration arguments to the annotation processor, which is something that the popular Android Annotations library needs. The project site has an example on how to configure annotation processor parameters.Thanks to +Thomas Bruyelle for sending the PR and testing the final implementation of this feature!It should be live on Maven Central shortly.

Next up is making the plugin use a new API that has been introduced with the Android Gradle plugin.
#androiddev #gradle

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